By Rob Torres
The hybrid operating room remains one of the most utilized spaces in hospitals. This advanced operating suite combines the surgical services of a traditional OR with the added support of an image guided fluoroscopic unit. This room unites a multidisciplinary group of clinicians who work in unison and provide an advanced service to their patients’ needs.
The 900-square-foot hybrid ORs at UMass University Medical Center in Worcester, Massachusetts, and Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in Hartford, Connecticut, are testaments to the complex nature of surgical services. The collaboration amongst their specialized clinicians intersects with medical technology to deliver quality, yet efficient, healthcare outcomes.
SLAM (The S/L/A/M Collaborative) partnered with these hospitals to develop two unique hybrid ORs fitting within an existing 2,400-square foot surgical suite. A variety of high-tech communications tools played an integral part in the design process to best manage the flow of information and placement of equipment from hospital clinical staff, medical vendors, engineers and facilities management. Each an expert in their respective fields, were equally valuable in shaping the design outcome.
Read more via the online article at Medical Construction & Design
This article was published in the March/April 2022 Medical Construction & Design