Higher Education
Sacred Heart University, Campus Master Plan and Implementation

Sacred Heart University

Campus Master Plan and Implementation

the story

The Sacred Heart University Campus Master Plan delivers a visionary future in support of the school’s mission and strategic goals, while compelling them to be environmental stewards through smart growth that will serve the community and, in the long-term, will reward our planet. All phases of planning and design are guided by the goal to build new facilities and upgrade/maintain existing infrastructure for the university to be competitive.

[logo] at-a-glance

Campus Master Plan and Implementation
Landscape Architecture
Programming & Planning
Fairfield, CT

Strategic goals, an extensive needs assessment, and a bold vision, served to reorient Sacred Heart University’s commitment as leaders in academic excellence, as well as stewards of sustainability.


The master planning process employed the latest technology to help educate decisions but the process relied fundamentally on intensive workshops with stakeholders to understand the programmatic needs of the University which the master plan must deliver upon.

This project employed hard data supported by defendable research to set new benchmarks and influence new behaviors that will significantly impact the reduction of CO2 per year in carbon emissions in Fairfield County, recorded as having the Most Air Pollution in the State of CT.

The planning effort commenced in fall 2014 and has sustained a rapid pace of implementation.


The plan delivers on a promise to environmental responsibility and smart growth design philosophy that went beyond the property boundaries and led to three strategic land purchases.

Main Campus

Currently under construction, the first phases in the Master Plan develop a newly acquired 15 acre parcel into the new center and highpoint of the campus.

New Health Education Center

Purchase and transformation of an abandoned development with a big hole on a steep slope, into a vibrant new environment serves SHU’s growing Health Professions and College of Nursing programs.

New West Campus

The purchase of property, within close proximity of the main campus, satisfied the need for thoughtful expansion and development as a leading higher education institution.

Project Contacts

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